Monday, April 12, 2010


those of you who know me and to those of you who dont, lets brake this down real quick. born in new jersey with new york as my play ground. moved to the bu in 4th grade. im an honest, soft spoken person, whom people tend to take advantage of. im not judgmental, i have my own opinion on most things but wont shut down yours. im honest, trust worthy, happy 99 percent of the time, loyal, respectful, mischievous, a rebel, shopper, lover, and a fighter. i dont give up on something i want or dream of. im afraid of snakes, spiders, car accidents and plane crashes, afraid of getting hurt, and afraid of never knowing what its like to be loved. i tend to let people in who i shouldn't, but hey gotta give everyone a chance..right? i believe in aliens, angels, and satin himself. i have a love for pasta, mashed potatoes, sweet lady jane cake, and PURSES. my friends and family mean SO much to me. addicted to cigs(unfortunitly), blogs, and fucking facebook. i love to go out, meet new people, and socialize. im ment to be in a smog filled hustle and bustle city where you bump into people as you walk down the street in a hurry, taxis and cars flying by honking, outfits that arnt flannels and jean shorts or doc martens. city is where i plan to be next. tell me what ya think, im new at this blog stuff so i want opinions. love me or hate me...thats up to you.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU. and i couldn't agree with you more... "im afraid of snakes, spiders, car accidents and plane crashes, afraid of getting hurt"


    ps love that you have a blog!
