Monday, April 26, 2010

follow the path..

so boy meets girl. girl falls for boy. boy hurts girl. girl hates boy. girl meets new boy, gets hurt...finds a new boy. do u see this repeated path? what the fuck is up with that? what happend to happiness? the white picket fence? oh ya we are in the 21st century what am i saying. happiness comes from that chanel purse he bought you and the range rover and VIP pass to the laker game. thats happiness i forgot im sorry. getting jealous over the beautiful tall brunette that walked in the room dressed fabulously that all the guys are drooling over, why do we instantly hate her? what seriously has this planet come to. what happened to PURE happiness just from being with those whom u love? why does money, and jealousy, and fucking DRAMA take over this whole god damn planet? do u get it? cause i never will. call me old fashioned but id like the older days back please. ok yes drama and jealousy will continue on till the end of time but when did money become the sole of a person. and cant we all get over this paper that brings temporary joy. giving a hug or a complement or saying i love you brings the real smiles. and its much cheaper if u ask me. why are we all formed into these robots who do what others do. originality is what im looking for. if girls didnt cheat with there best friends boyfriends, talk shit, be catty, dramatic, OVERLY emotional, and all around bitches...i swear we could all rule the world. but i guess i cant change the rules of the female species any time i guess ill be over here with my champagne and my girlfriends talking shit about your shoes. who wants to join me?

1 comment:

  1. my char ! i would love to join you.

    your fucking amazing, and so is this.

    i love you missy.

